Restorative Yoga
Katie completed her 25 hour Relax and Renew Restorative Training with Judith Lasater and she often incorporates these sublime poses into her group classes and private sessions.
Restorative Yoga has many benefits and feels amazing. Once you try it your body will crave it. RY relaxes, restores and rejuvenates the body all while alleviating stress and opening up the body. To gain the full benefits of RY, support your body using a variety of props such as: straps, blankets, blocks and bolsters. You will walk away mentally and physically refreshed. The benefits are numerous, including using your breath to help the lymphatic system cleanse your tissues of toxins and calming your nervous system and its "flight or fight response." This will improve immunity and memory. RY activates the parasympathetic nervous system which allows one to "rest and relax" and conserve energy as it slows the heart rate while increasing intestinal and gland activity. Consistent practice will make the body less vulnerable to stress-related diseases as well as bring a sense of calmness and relaxtion.
Examples of Restorative Yoga Poses are (from top left to right):
Goddess Pose
Legs up the Wall
Supported Supine Twist
Supported Bridge Pose
Supported Forward Bend
Supported Childs Pose
Supported Forward Twist
Supported Savasana