Summer Yoga in NYC - Kevin Gardiner

Yoga with Katie

NYC summers always leaves a flight of yoga teachers leaving the Big Apple for various retreats and adventures; allowing for amazing visiting instructors to come share their expertise with us-and summer 2013 is no different. Kevin Gardiner, a New Yorker who moved to Budapest in 2006, has been teaching yoga since 1982 and has learned from the Guruji himself- B.K.S. Iyengar. I took his workshop for the first time this past weekend and was blown away. He is so clear and concise with these complex instructions while being energetically in touch with each student. At one point he had me in adho mukha svanasana (down dog) and was discussing bringing spaciousness to a pose and as he spoke his instructions I felt this expansion and space in my shoulders and pelvis that I have never felt before.  It was a fascinating way to look at a yoga posture. Through his “offbeat” humor he brings laughter into the practice with insightful thoughts passed down to him from B.K.S Iyengar.  He even pointed out how “yoga is about coming to terms with disappointment." I am still thinking about that one.

Check out his schedule below for his workshop and class dates and times while in NYC: